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As parts of our overall efforts, MAKOM communities regularly devote themselves to responding to different needs in society. During COVID-19 it became clear quite quickly that much more emphasis should be put on connecting with the elderly, both physically and virtually. With this program, we have created small social groups made of people over the age of 65, with 15-25 participants in each group throughout 32 cities in Israel. These small groups meet regularly once to twice a week for joint activities physically or virtually. The activities vary from topics related to practicing a healthy lifestyle, enrichment classes on topics of choice, connecting to the digital world, utilizing rights and accessing services, alongside volunteer and engagement opportunities. These activities increase interaction and provide meaning and a sense of purpose for this age group, while creating friendships and connection to those that are lonely and vulnerable.
Over 600 elderly people benefit from the program throughout 32 cities in Israel. This program assists tremendously in decreasing the general feelings of loneliness, loss of significance and has become a major source of support, staying active and giving a sense of belonging, being productive, and becoming a community within a community, this is a way of strengthening the overall community.

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MAKOM is the largest national organization that brings together individuals and groups from all sectors of society to share knowledge, collaborate on initiatives, create dialogue amongst diverse populations and work together to promote society as a whole.
MAKOM began its cross-cultural collaborations this year involving all sectors of Israeli society: religious and secular, Ethiopians, Druze, Mountain Jews, Haredi and Bedouin. Together they work to create a healthier society for future generations based on solidarity, cooperation, social justice and mutual respect. The cross-cultural collaborations include joint dialogue & training sessions, seminars, meetings and joint initiatives. These take place on a local and regional level in the Negev and Galilee, as well as on the national level.
Since MAKOM communities are spread out throughout Israel, MAKOM sees itself as the leading organization that works towards creating opportunities to connect, support and share responsibilities as human beings living in a country of diverse cultures.
Throughout the year, the following collaborations take place regularly:
Individuals from all sectors meet every 3 weeks for a joint Limmud (study) and to discuss current events and how they affect society (locally, in specific regions & nationally).
Educational-cultural visits take place every two months to learn about different sectors and cultures.
Joint professional training sessions take place throughout the year to increase professional skills and create professional collaborations throughout the communities.
National seminars take place a few times each year for strengthening networks and collaborations.

Olim LeKehilah
Integrating New Immigrants
Tens of thousands of new immigrants arrive to Israel each year, and since the war in Ukraine, the number of Eastern European, Ukrainian and Russian immigrants has grown as Jewish refugees look to build a new home in the Jewish state. While acclimating to life in Israel can be difficult for anyone, these immigrants are fleeing from a war torn country and starting a new life in an unfamiliar culture, many having come with minimal preparation.
When immigrants began arriving in Israel after war broke out in Ukraine, MAKOM recognized the immediate need, by assisting with humanitarian efforts and responding to the urgent needs of the thousands of refugees fleeing Ukraine.
Since MAKOM operates regularly throughout communities in Israel, thousands of its members prepared a plan to effectively absorb the new immigrants arriving. MAKOM has been in a unique position to make a difference in the lives of thousands of refugees and immigrants in Israel, understanding the strength of community and having the human resources to assist on a national level.
MAKOM understands the importance of feeling embraced by a community, have a sense of belonging where physical and emotional needs are met, being the key factor in adjustment into Israel society and build a successful life in the future.
15 communities throughout Israel have taken part in the Olim LaKehilah program, providing strategic support and a warm community to welcome new immigrants to Israel. Each community has its own personality, but all participating communities provide similar services for the successful integration into Israeli life. Programs include:
Monthly community Shabbat dinner to meet new friends, experience Shabbat and feel a sense of belonging.
Hebrew courses for language learning, cultural education, and community building.
Social services with the help of veteran Ukrainian and Russian speakers living in Israel, helping with networking and community involvement, as well as support for employment, navigating bureaucracy and other services.
Free city-wide events throughout the year to encourage participation of all local residents in fun and positive interaction.